
To enrich the library as it provides relevant informative resources for teaching learning and research.


  1. To organize awareness programme among the students in every new academic session.
  2. To maintain user oriented policies.
  3. To improve library staff for effective, responsive and innovative service.
  4. To develop teaching learning environment.
  5. To enrich informative materials for user community.
  6. To promote good reputation of the institution through excellence in library.
  7. To promote informative technology in the library.


  1. Formulation of rules and policies for smooth conduct of the library.
  2. To assist the librarian to get latest books/journals on various subjects.
  3. Imposition of fine on the late returning or damage of books.
  4. Disciplinary action on the students for the violation of rules/guidelines.
  5. Review of library rules and policy.
  6. To promote teaching learning environment in the library.

Library Committee

  • President:Dr. Basir Uddin Bepari (Principal)
  • Co-Ordinator – Mr. Haridas Karmakar (Librarian Progati College)
  • Members -

    1. Mr. Ganesh Chandra Saha (Asstt. Prof. English)
    2. Mr. Sunil Chandra Roy (Asstt. Prof. Assamese)
    3. Mr. Sajal Kumar Sen (Asstt. Prof. Political Science)
    4. Mr. Azizul Hoque (Asstt. Prof. Philosophy)
    5. Mr. Eunich Hoque (Asstt. Prof. History)
    6. Mr. Pranab Kumar Podder (Asstt. Prof. Economics)
    7. Dr. Abu Bakkar Mondal (Asstt. Prof. Arabic)
    8. Mrs. Mala Mazumdar (Asstt. Prof. Assamese)
    9. Dr. Parameswar Ray (Asstt. Prof. Sanskrit)
    10. Dr. Banashree Banerjee (Asstt. Prof. Bengali)