To enrich the library as it provides relevant informative resources for teaching learning and research.
- To organize awareness programme among the students in every new academic session.
- To maintain user oriented policies.
- To improve library staff for effective, responsive and innovative service.
- To develop teaching learning environment.
- To enrich informative materials for user community.
- To promote good reputation of the institution through excellence in library.
- To promote informative technology in the library.
- Formulation of rules and policies for smooth conduct of the library.
- To assist the librarian to get latest books/journals on various subjects.
- Imposition of fine on the late returning or damage of books.
- Disciplinary action on the students for the violation of rules/guidelines.
- Review of library rules and policy.
- To promote teaching learning environment in the library.
Library Committee
- Mr. Ganesh Chandra Saha (Asstt. Prof. English)
- Mr. Sunil Chandra Roy (Asstt. Prof. Assamese)
- Mr. Sajal Kumar Sen (Asstt. Prof. Political Science)
- Mr. Azizul Hoque (Asstt. Prof. Philosophy)
- Mr. Eunich Hoque (Asstt. Prof. History)
- Mr. Pranab Kumar Podder (Asstt. Prof. Economics)
- Dr. Abu Bakkar Mondal (Asstt. Prof. Arabic)
- Mrs. Mala Mazumdar (Asstt. Prof. Assamese)
- Dr. Parameswar Ray (Asstt. Prof. Sanskrit)
- Dr. Banashree Banerjee (Asstt. Prof. Bengali)