Cultural and Sports Committee:

  • Co-Ordinator – Mr. Saiful Islam Sarkar (Asstt. Prof. History)
  • Members -

    1. Mr. Mazibar Rahaman (Asstt. Prof. Political Science)
    2. Mr. Parameswar Roy (Asstt. Prof. Sanskrit)
    3. Mr. Mrinal Kanti Roy Sarkar (Asstt. Prof. Sanskrit)


    To promote and arrange extracurricular activities to find out the talents of students promoting culture and sports.

    Role and Responsibility:

    1. The cultural & sports committee is responsible for all intra and inter college cultural and sports events.
    2. Planning and schedule of events prepared in every academic year.
    3. Take permission for events from college administration.
    4. Notifies the students for participation.
    5. Prepares a tentative budget for cultural & sports events.
    6. Prepare and maintain records of all cultural and sports programme.
    7. Conducts meeting and takes decision for the programme.