Progati College, Agomani prepares Green Campus Policy with a vision “Clean and Green Campus to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices.”
To make the human community aware of the need for a sustainable, clean and healthy life days ahead.
- Tulsi Rabidas (Asstt. Prof. Dept. of Assamese)
- Samad Ali (Grade IV)
- Subash Ch. Roy (Grade IV)
- Sukdev Choudhuri (Grade IV)
Activity No. 1
In response to the resolution taken in the meeting of Green Campus Cell on 12.03.2021 gardening has been done in front of the college building. Different types of flowers seasonal and non seasonal have been planted in the campus.
Activity No. 2
On 5th June 2021, World Environment Day under the leadership of Extension Cell Green Environment awareness programme has been implemented in which Green Campus Cell and NSS unit have joined. The Green Campus Cell has initiated plantation programme on the roadside in front of the college.