
Balancing gender equality, eliminating of gender discrimination and sexual harassment.


  1. To organize awareness programme regarding the prevention of sexual biased activities.
  2. To keep strict vigilance on sexism.
  3. Prompt action will be taken if any act of sexism comes to notice.
  4. To ensure the environment of gender equality.
  5. To redress complains received from any members of the college.
  6. To ensure proper judgment of the complaint received.

Rules and Policy:

  1. Zero Tolerance for any type of violence, sexism, racism, homophobia or general prejudice practiced within the college campus.
  2. Any offensive incident occurred within the college campus will be treated as grievance.
  3. The person who faced any kind of offence within the campus can lodge complain in the complain box.
  4. The complain box is checked every day after 4 P.M.
  5. The principal forwards the complain letter to the specific cell for necessary action.
  6. The co-ordinator of the cell will arrange a meeting to address the grievance within 3 days.
  7. The cell will look into the complaints lodged by any students and judge its merit.
  8. Every grievance shall be disposed off within a period of 15 days of its receipt.
  9. A final reply from the grievance cell should be sent to the complainant as well as to the principal containing details of resolution taken in the meeting.
  10. The cell will call the petitioner and the opposite party to attend before the cell to clarify the statements.
  11. After hearing the statements of both parties the cells will take decision.
  12. If any party is not satisfied of the decision he/she is allowed to visit the G.B of the college.
  13. The G.B will take utmost care for the solution of the complaint.
  14. If the complainant is still not satisfied, he/she is allowed to take the path of law.

Sexual Harassment Committee

  • Co-Ordinator – Mrs. Mala Mazumdar (Asstt. Prof. Assamese)
  • Members -

    1. Mr. Sajal Kr. Sen (H.O.D., Political Science)
    2. Dr. Banashree Banerjee (H.O.D., Bengali)
    3. Mrs. Smriti Roy (H.O.D., Education